Say Good Bye to Hotel Discounts
May 24, 2016
Urgent Travel News!
The screen shot was taken today to
explain to consumers that Hotels and Online travel agents like Expedia,, Travelocity and etc. CAN'T give you a discount on hotels or travel
reservations. Everyone has to be equal to or greater than the parity rates. In
this example you will notice that some of the OTA's are charging higher prices
then the parity rate. This reason for this is because they are trying to
increase revenue with repeated loyal customers. They understand that most
consumers book at the same site all the time and do not perform any type of
price comparisons thus allowing them to generate more revenue. This happens
right now about 10% of the time, so be cautious when booking through public
websites such as these. Another thing to be careful of is the savings the site
displays. You notice they take the highest number (above parity rates) and then
show you the discount of lets say 43% and then they display the actual parity
rate. Listen everyone, this is not a true discount, this is the way Kayak and
other OTA's algorithm is set up to confuse the consumer and trick them into
thinking they are getting a discount.
Back in the day you use to be able
to pick up the phone and call the hotel directly and ask for a discount,
however this is no longer the case. I tried this the other day when traveling
to Tennessee. I called the hotel and asked them if I could book directly with
them and receive a discount? The reply was "No". I asked if they
would rather me go online and book through Expedia? There rely was "It is
all the same for us, I should book where ever I feel comfortable". This
tells me that the Hoteliers and OTA's now have mutual agreements on commissions
and bookings and are not able to price compete anymore.
The only
way for consumers to receive a true discount is to join a membership program.
Hotels Etc. is a closed loop program and launched in 1996 with an A+ rating
with the BBB and verified by Matter of Fact, Mr. Shawn Pigg
will be live on Trust Dale tonight between 5-6 PM EST explaining to the public
what is occurring in the travel industry and we encourage you to tune in via
live stream or radio. To learn more about how to access today's broadcast visit
To learn
more about Hotels Etc. and how to save up to 80% (TRUE DISCOUNT) off your next
vacation, business trip or holiday trip please
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